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Tell us briefly who you are and what you do.

Hi everyone, my name is Martina Casadei and I’ma kinesiologist and exercise sports expert.
I obtained my Master's degree from the University of Padua in 2019 and have been working in the field of motor activity for years.
After my first Bachelor's Degree I started my career with children and young people at sports associations and I worked with Technogym as a Trainer at sports events and Fitness weeks.
In recent years, I have specialised in the field of Preventive and Adapted Motor Activities, managing courses organized by the Emilia-Romagna Region with individuals suffering from Parkinson's, arthrosis, lumbago, and Alzheimer's disease.
I also manage motor activity projects for people using walkers, and people over 65.
Since August 2020, I have been collaborating with the Kimeya Clinic managing the Longevity project, a health prevention programme focused on exercise, and all activities concerning therapeutic exercise for chronic diseases.

I am an extremely curious and ambitious person, and in my spare time I love extreme sports and travelling. I am certified as a second-level diver, a rock climber and during my travels I enjoy surfing and board sports.
I deeply believe in the values of sport and the benefits that a healthy and conscious practice of sport can induce.

How has your experience as project trainer been so far?

My experience has been extremely positive both from a professional and personal point of view and I am very honoured to be the trainer for the Municipality of Cesena.
In Common Sport + project is highly stimulating because my team and I can relate to so many people with different physical and pathological conditions.
During this period, in addition to the improvements in health parameters and motor tests, many of the participants have also formed relationships with each other outside the classroom.
This project has become not only a phisycal experience, but also a social one.
I am very satisfied with the work we’re doing and I think the importance of movement has been conveyed and received very successfully!

During these months, you also had the opportunity to participate in the first international project meeting that took place in Spain. Do you think it was useful for the development of your activity? In what way?

I think it was absolutely useful for the development of my activity because it allowed me to relate to different realities. I had the opportunity to collaborate and exchange ideas and opinions with the contact persons of the "In Common Sports +" project from other countries.
There was a constructive discussion on the weaknesses of the activities proposed in the project, trying to find alternatives and rational solutions agreed upon by all the project organisers.
I appreciated the other participating countries' way of working and was able to integrate it into my own.

In your opinion, what impact is the In Common Sports + project having on participants?

The participants are aware of the psycho-physical and socio-relational benefits that this project wants to convey. Many of the parameters assessed in the assessment tests (balance, strength, mobility, etc.) have improved over time, and this encourages both parties to give their best.
Our athletes notice physical improvements in themselves through a reduction in acute pain, greater confidence and autonomy in carrying out daily activities.
My staff and I are satisfied with the results achieved, all of which translates into excellent planning and scheduling of adapted activities.
5. Can you tell us what upcoming activities are in the pipeline after the summer break?
We are preparing for the Olympics in September!
The watchword will be FUN! From October onwards I'd like to start introducing some traditional sports from the countries, to introduce our athletes to how sport is seen and experienced in the rest of Europe!

If you had to choose 3 words to describe In Common Sport + which would you choose?

If I had to choose 3 words to describe In Common Sport +, I would choose:
• Well-being, understood holistically as per O.M.S. guidelines, "the attainment by all populations of the highest possible level of health", defined as "a state of total physical, mental and social well-being" and not simply "absence of disease or infirmity";
• Sociality, because physical activity also aims to unite, to create bonds between people, to build friendships. It allows participants to develop empathy and to support each other as a true group in times of need and/or difficulty;
• Last but not least, I would like to emphasise the need for people to have fun in what they do every day. So the third word is fun. Having fun is fundamental, because it motivates and spurs one to give one's best. One learns to compete in a healthy way by relating to the group and to be proactive towards each activity.



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